Isaac Marion Stash and a Story


By now, I’m sure you’ve seen Emera’s and my numerous reviews of Isaac Marion‘s works, namely The Inside, Warm Bodies, and Anna. These works are pretty much all highly recommended, and are self-published by Marion (links provided at the bottom of this post). Marion is noted for his strange genre niche that is, for the most part, a mix of horror, weird fiction, and romanticism.

Back in the day, in the summer of ’08, I discovered Isaac Marion, a wonderful, prolific writer of short stories. He had recently (I think) released a self-published novel, The Inside, so I decided to order one after reading the rather tantalizing synopsis of a man who chases a girl in his dreams. The communication and order process was great, and I soon owned and read The Inside. Also, at the time, I was living in a temporary summer dormitory.

And then Anna, another self-published comic adaptation of a ghost short story, was released and I purchased. Finally, I snatched up the eagerly awaited Warm Bodies, Marion’s second self-published novel, a zombie love story expanded from an old short story. At the end of all this, a year and a summer later, I graduated and moved to an off-campus apartment.

Now, I had been receiving emails from desk workers at my old temporary summer dorm telling me I had mail, and assuming any important mail would be forwarded to me, I ignored them. Besides, I was too lazy to make the trek out there. But lo and behold, half a year later at my apartment I found a postcard for me in the mail and thought


“Hurr? Mail forz me?”


Fucking. Brilliant. In case you don’t know, R is the zombie protagonist from Warm Bodies and “I am a Zombie Filled with Love”. The short story, especially, experiments with 1st person zombie narration, emphasizing a zombie’s inability to form coherent thought and retain its grasp of the English language. There is a sad, pathetic, yet romantic beauty about R that really drew me to the story. Notice that the poststamp is December 2008. Well… I got it half a year later in June, but no matter. Basically, (I think again) Marion sent these personalized postcards to people who purchased The Inside to promote his new novel.

This postcard arrived after I had read Warm Bodies, and after a bit of confusion, I understood exactly and squeed Really. Hard. Just imagine if you received a postcard from the character of a book you had just read. Yeah.

Go To:

Warm Bodies [K|E]
Anna [K|E]
The Inside [E]
Isaac Marion

8 thoughts on “Isaac Marion Stash and a Story”

  1. I, too, found Mr. Marion’s site last year. I had stumbled on the zombie filled with love story and thought it was great. I read everything else available on the site, then made it to the moon colony MySpace page. I purchased the CD. Then The Inside was released and I purchased that. Behold! He included another copy of the CD with the purchase of the book. Then I got the Christmas postcard from R. Brilliant! I didn’t purchase Anna, but snatched up Warm Bodies in its first pressing. I’m seriously impressed with his work. Glad to see he is getting some love out here on the net.

    1. Hello! Do you happen to still have any of these books or CDs? If so, would you ever consider selling them? Normally I wouldn’t ask people this but I’ve been searching for the self-published edition Warm Bodies, print copies of The Inside & The Hungry Mouth (I have Anna) & a physical copy of the Moon Colony CD. If you don’t have them or aren’t willing to part with them, I totally understand. If you happen to know of anyone who does, that would also be greatly appreciated.

  2. You girls are so sweet.

    My brother directed me to your blog because he’s also sweet and googles my name frequently. I think you’re doing a great thing here and I hope you’re getting the traffic you deserve.
    I was just trying to dig up your addresses so I could send you the new version of Warm Bodies, which I thought might have a better chance of garnering a favorable review than the original (rough) draft did, but I see in my records you’ve already ordered it, so I will now just glance around sheepishly and pretend nothing happened.

    I guess you already know about the publishing deal, too. Thanks for your support, both of you.

  3. Isaac- Wow! I can’t believe it! This is so exciting =)

    Yes we know about the publishing deal, and yes I did order the new version! I’ve been caught up with real life right now, but I absolutely can’t wait to read it… the concept is still mad brilliant. We will definitely be posting new reviews.

    Actually, Emera and I sent you an email about two weeks ago concerning an email interview… we never received a response and were wondering if you received it or if it perhaps ended up in your spam? We can resend it if you’d like…

    Anyway thanks for stopping by! I’m sure Emera will put her 2cents in later. You’re a fantastic author and I can’t wait to see your stuff out there in the world.

  4. Isaac, it’s an honor to hear from you on our blog! I just wanted to also say thanks for taking the time to comment, and many, many congratulations on the publishing deal. It’s about time that happened for you. :)

  5. Do either of you 2 ladies still have a copy of the original Warm Bodies &/or The Inside? & if so, would you ever consider selling them? I’ve been looking for about 8 years now.

    1. Hi Victoria, sorry we missed your comment. Apologies, but we’re not interested in selling our copies of the books. I know it’s tricky since the print runs were so small, but I wish you luck finding copies!

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